Support Israel

Donate to support tactical aid shipments to the soldiers going into the battlefield

Amazon Buy and ship:

Merage JCC

1 Federation way

Irvine CA 92603

Attention: Karp Room

Donate to support help in finding emergency shelter options for families, ensuring they have a safe and warm place to sleep during these trying times. Provide basic necessities so they can purchase essential items such as clothing, food, toiletries, and hygiene products to meet their immediate needs.

Support on Social Media

Join groups on your selected social media to promote Pro-Israel perspective media

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Fill the following form to be added to the volunteers database when we initiate this

Tactical aid shipments:

Report from the soldiers reflect that there’s not enough tactical equipment for the soldiers that are going in to battle. We are getting requests for batteries, flash lights, and some other tools.

We have a few people that are taking care of the logistics to buy and ship things to specific units that are reaching out. They are seeking contributions in equipment or money.


עדיין לא הצטרפתם למאות עסקים שכבר מגדילים הכנסות עם אתרים ושיווק דיגיטלי מותאם אישית?

השאירו פרטים , קבלו הצעה, ותתכוננו להמריא!